Saturday, January 19, 2008

Aodhan's thoughts on girls

*Aodhan sees an advertisement for some action figures on tv*

Aodhan: I want those
Lillian: Yeah! Me too!
Aodhan: No, Lillian, that a toy for boys and only boys can play with them
Emma: Mommmmmy, Aodhan said that only boys can play with those
Aodhan: Emma, thats a toy for boys
Me: Well Aodhan is right that boys usually like to play with that kind of toy more, but girls can play with them too if they want to
Aodhan: Yeah, because that toy is kind of cool and girls don't usually like cool things

I guess his sisters haven't been successful in brainwashing him completely!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Rollin through January

January is one of those months that can send you into hibernation. You know, after the Holiday Hype with those freezing cold days, overcast skies and that general feeling of "I'm going to pound you into submission with my blizzards and lack of activities aside from snow shoveling"


it can be time for vacation!

OK, so its not warm and tropical, but it WAS 42 degrees at the top of Mt. Washington while we were in NH! I mean to us Northeastern-ers that's like sending out a broadcast that its shorts and t-shirt time!

Luckily the kids did get to take a ski lesson before all the snow melted away. We also got to go tubing and make some snowmen. It was all quite pleasant, even the dodging giant puddles of melting mountain precipitation as we shopped the outlets.

Una and Bampi (those are my in-laws for those not in the know) came to join us and celebrate a late Christmas. Check these out!

I dare you to find anything cuter and more desirable than these handmade Adirondack chairs on the 'hip mama' blogs. Bampi rocks! Getting them home in our jam packed vacationing-kiddie-mobile-mini-van was exciting, but totally worth it.

What vacation would be complete without hunting out the local yarn shop and starting a new project. The Grand View Country Store was the destination of choice, in Randolph, NH. It has that cozy house feeling, piled high with stashes of your yarn staples. I bought what i needed to start the Daisy Stitch Handwarmers from The Purl Bee.

A couple of weeks later, here is my progress so far:

Its a fun project and I'm a big fan of the Daisy Stitch! The cold January air has returned and these should really get done sooner than later. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of "Can Kim actually finish a project in a timely fashion!"

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

So 2007 was a great year. Many highlights, not too many disappointments! Lets see what 2007 brought us:

Yes Yes, by far our most joyous event of the year! I sense miss Nathalie will play the role of the youngest just perfectly. She already is spoiled beyond belief by everyone else in the family.

What else this year:

  • Seamus started a full time job deciding to leave his Stay at Home Dad career. Its proven to be a wonderful change for him.
  • I have moved to part-time Web Developer, part-time Stay at Home Mom! I give this new arrangement the big thumbs up!
  • Aodhan started Pre-K. Rock On, Aodhan!
  • I have bravely delved into the world of cooking. Yes thats right, prior to 2007 I could count what I could cook on two hands. Nowadays, my kids even tell me sometimes that my food is good!

These 5 things alone have made it a great year. Good thing too, because I can't remember what else happened this year at the moment.

What New Year's post is complete without the list of New Year's resolutions?

  • Exercise - this will play the role of the resolution that isn't really always does
  • Potty Train Lillian - I wish Lillian would announce this as her own resoultion. It would make life easier!
  • Blog! I'm off to a good start
  • Knit for at least a half an hour a day. I want to keep this one at least until it gets warm out!
  • Keep my house spotless

Haa haaa hhaahahahaa, OHHHH hahahahaha. I'm sorry, that last one, oh boy. Scratch it. Why set myself up for failure.